
22 Feb

So the Husbino and I got a Juicer the other night. We bought one for Mom at Christmas and I’ve been wanting my own ever since. It’s just a small one from Wallyworld, but it does the job!

Tonight we made Apple Cucumber Spinach Grape Juice.


It was really good! Wish we had made more (cause I’m still hungry!)
See, the hubby and I are going to try to stick to a juice diet. Not so much a “diet”in the sense that it’s all we will consume, but in the effort for better health we will be replacing meals with vitamin packed fruit and vegetable juice.
There are a lot a Juice advocates out there, you tube is full of them. There is even something called Fruitarianism-like vegetarianism, but only fruit I guess. Very interesting stuff.
My Mom has been suffering from random hives for a while now and the Dr’s says she’s not allergic to anything. She came across this show called, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead which turned her onto Juicing. This man, as far as I know from watching a few episodes, only drinks Juice. He has a juicer int he back of his van and stops at local fruit stands and makes up his lunch in the parking lot! Its amazing really, and I wish I had the self-discipline to stick to it. Unfortunately,  I need carbs and meat at least once a day..it wouldn’t be pretty if I didn’t.

So I hope you wont mind me sharing my Juice pictures.

Juice isn’t the only thing I made tonight though!

I put together a few jewelry hangers for my bathroom. I have a Tree from Umbra but it doesn’t fit since I have to share a bathroom again with my better half.
Got the supplies from the Dollar store, all together everything cost about 9 bucks. Not nearly enough for all my stuff, but these are the go to pieces.


One Response to “Juice!”

  1. Maha February 22, 2012 at 10:52 pm #

    Ohh, share those juice recipes – sounds cool! So you have the juices instead of dinner?
    Pretty jewelry hangers!

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Jack Chanek

Author. Tarot Reader. Witch.

The Joy Of Manifesting

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Confessions of a Spirit Messenger

Walking in the light of Spirit with one foot in each world


"Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself"

Past Life Goals

Living My Soul Purpose